A Great Compliment To Your Care

massage therapy billings mt, relaxing-massageMassage therapy offers a natural conservative treatment approach that relieves musculo-skeletal pain for many patients. Our office provides specific massage and muscular therapy that is tailored to meet your specific condition and injury. The benefits of massage therapy may include increasing blood circulation, reducing swelling, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle pain and spasms, and aid in recovery and range of motion.

Our Massage Therapist

Massage Therapy Billings MT
Jodi will help you find peace and calm through massage therapy.

We are fortunate enough to have a highly qualified licensed massage therapist in our office who has a solid understanding of the human body. Jodi Dodge is passionate about helping our patients get out of pain and back to their active lifestyle. We offer relaxation massages, as well as deep tissue therapy massages. Jodi will get to know your needs and goals and will customize a treatment just for you. Please let her know what areas are bothering you. Get to know Jodi by visiting our meet the team page, or call us today to schedule your appointment.

Our massage hours are by appointment. Call us today for availability and to schedule your appointment.

Massage Therapy Billings, MT | (406) 969-2468

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