Contracted Leg Length Test

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Step 1

scoliosis treatment billings mt, lower back pain relief billings mt, Lumbar Test Step 1
Have the test subject wear a pair of hard soled shoes and lie across a bed, face down, with arms relaxed at each side. (The head must remain straight down throughout the test.)

Step 2

Contracted Leg Length Test, scoliosis treatment billings mt, lower back pain relief billings mt, Lumbar Test Step 2
Apply equal pressure with both thumbs to the arches of each shoe. Are both legs of equal length when the bottoms of the shoes are parallel?

Left leg shortRight leg shortEqual length

Step 3

Bend both legs to a 90° angle so the bottoms of the shoes are parallel with the floor. Does one leg appear shorter?

Left leg shortRight leg shortEqual length


A difference of greater than 1/4″ in any of the positions is clinically significant. Uneven leg length is a common sign of spinal problems that often respond to chiropractic care. Find out if we can help. Call Jones Family Chiropractic now to arrange a more thorough examination!

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