Category Archives: Health and Wellness Billings MT

Fight the Cold

Fight the Cold

fight the cold

We hear it all the time…”I caught a cold.” But is that really what happened?

The truth is, the cold virus and others are always out there, attacking your body. If your immune system is healthy and functioning properly, your body naturally defends itself, fighting off the virus.

You usually don’t realize when this happens and just continue to live life as your usual, healthy self.

When You Lose the Battle…

When there is interference in your nervous system, it can get in the way of your immune system function. If your immune system is depleted, you’re unable to fend off the virus.

This is when you’ll start to notice the symptoms… the headaches, the stuffy noses, sore throats, and more.

It’s possible to have had a virus for three or four days before you begin to feel it, but once it arrives, it’s stressful and let’s be honest, it can be miserable.

Prepping for a Win

The way to set yourself up to win the battle against the cold, flu and all the other viruses out there, is to keep your immune system running smoothly. How?

1. Diet: Avoid sugar and eat more fruits and vegetables. The vitamin and antioxidant-rich foods help you fight off sickness.

2. Exercise: Stay active to help boost your immune system and stay healthy.

3. Sleep: Get the rest you need and help decrease your chances of getting sick.

4. Hydration: Get rid of toxins and stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day.

5. Chiropractic adjustments: Being adjusted when you’re sick may benefit your nervous system and your immune system. With your spine aligned properly, your nerves and entire body have the opportunity to function as designed. This may also help keep your white blood cell count up (the cells responsible for fighting off sickness) so you can feel your best and avoid getting sick.

Your body is incredible and designed to heal itself. By taking care of your health each day it’s easier for your body to fight-off sickness and feel great! Give us a call. Let’s talk about ways you can stay healthy and vivacious year-round!

Chiropractic in the Workplace

Chiropractic in the Workplace

chiropractic in the workplace

Google. Apple. Facebook. Most of us probably recognize all of these company names. They’re leaders in their fields and are respected organizations throughout the world. A little-known fact you might not be familiar with? According to a recent news article, they all have chiropractic in common.

That’s right–each of these companies has workplace health clinics. This means that the employees for each company have a health care practice they can go to on-site to meet their health concerns.

Maintaining Health Now for a Better Life

Each of these companies’ clinics includes a chiropractor to address their employees’ health needs. These powerful organizations are sending a message chiropractic has been sharing for years: that maintaining your health now leads to decreased health care costs down the road and can enhance your productivity in all areas of your life.

Giving Your Full Potential

While we may not all have the good fortune to work for a company that provides us with chiropractic care, this illustrates the growing realization about chiropractic’s positive impact on health. Absences from work can cost companies and employees billions each year.

More than attending to obvious spinal problems, regular chiropractic care is designed to keep your nervous system in tip-top condition. This will improve your immune system and make sure your body is less susceptible to both injury and illness, so you can live a better life.

What About Meat Consumption?

What About Meat Consumption?

healthy-family-dinner, What About Meat Consumption?

Did you know that in America alone, both men and women eat nearly double the protein necessary for their body weight?

Meat. It’s a part of our daily lives, and for many is the main component of every meal. However, meat has recently been in the media for the drawbacks involved with its consumption. The World Health Organization and the American Dietetic Association report that meat consumption may be associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

With cardiovascular disease and cancer as the biggest non-contagious disease killers in the world, protecting yourself from risk is now more important than ever.

Where Will Your Protein Come From?

You’re probably thinking, “If I don’t eat meat, where would I get my protein from?” Well, have you considered protein-rich sources from plant-based food, such as beans, legumes, seitan and quinoa? You may also want to look into food combining. This pairs up complementary foods such as beans and rice, which when combined result in the necessary mix of amino acids.

These options will provide what your body needs and leave you feeling full and satisfied, just like meat-based meals would.

Consider the Environment

Another aspect of meat consumption to think about is the effect on the environment. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reports that the livestock industry generates large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. It has also been considered a major source of the decrease of land and water quality in the world. These might be additional aspects for you to consider in your dietary decisions.

Find What’s Right for You

It might feel like it’s not possible to remove meat from your diet. Consider starting small and try meatless Mondays in your household. There are many online resources for healthy, delicious plant-based meals for you to try out. You can visit the website to receive a free vegetarian starter guide.

The best way to start is to do some of your own research so you can make up your mind about what’s best for you and your family.

Relax – You Deserve It

Relax – You Deserve It

Relax – You Deserve It

We know how exciting, yet exhausting life can be. Jam-packed with family activities, sporting and social events, holidays and more, we often forget to set aside time for ourselves.

Take Time to Reconnect with You

Taking time for yourself is necessary to maintain a healthy balance in life. Making time for your passions and doing the things that make you, you, are refreshingly healthy. Being a better, balanced you, helps you be a better spouse, parent, sibling and friend!

Easy Ways to Refresh and Relax:

  • Pray or meditate with a grateful heart.
  • Read something inspirational.
  • Revisit your favorite hobby (photography, wood carving, sewing, gardening, cooking).
  • Get some fresh air and enjoy your favorite outdoor activity.
  • Embrace the arts by seeing a show, concert, museum or historical monument.
  • Visit a spa, salon or treat yourself to an adjustment to feel revitalized!

We always want you to be the healthiest, best you possible. So take some time for yourself and you’ll be more than glad you did. Cheers to a revitalized you!

What’s in Your Kitchen?

What’s in Your Kitchen?

jar-seasonings, What’s in Your Kitchen?

Did you know that your kitchen cupboards are chock-full of good stuff that works as natural remedies for many common ailments?

What we eat has a huge impact on our health, and this has never been more apparent than in today’s world. We know that some foods are good and that others don’t nourish our bodies as well.

Chinese medicine experts, Yuan Wang and Warren Sheir and writer Mika Ono co-author the book Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes from the East for Health, Healing, and Long Life.  They share research about some items that you probably have lying around your kitchen that might help keep you healthy.

    • Fresh ginger. Ginger can be used to aid digestion and help when your stomach is upset. It may also help fight off some types of the common cold.


    • Garlic. Research shows garlic has antibacterial and immunity-enhancing properties, not to mention being a tasty addition to cooking.


    • Mushrooms. The long history of this vegetable includes a reputation for enhancing immunity and is being investigated for potential anti-cancer and anti-viral properties.


    • Green tea. Laboratory studies suggest green tea may help slow certain cancers. Tea may also aid in weight loss, lower blood cholesterol, inhibit the absorption of fatty foods and protect your skin from the damaging sun though data hasn’t been conclusive on the subject.


    • Walnuts. Not only do they provide you with valuable Omega-3s, but also walnuts are being studied for their role in reducing the damage caused by unhealthy fats and ability to counteract Alzheimer’s disease.


    • Peppermint. This refreshing herb may address indigestion, gas and bloating. Its cooling properties suggest it relaxes the involuntary muscles in your digestive tract.


  • Cinnamon. It’s not just used in sweet desserts! Some studies have shown that cinnamon can help control blood sugar and may have antibacterial properties.

Foods can be used to proactively protect our bodies and minds. When you combine a healthy diet with chiropractic care that checks your nervous system function, you’ll be equipping your body to work as it was designed to. Let us help you start your journey toward living a full, rich life.

Are There Health Benefits to Fasting?

Are There Health Benefits to Fasting?

Are There Health Benefits to Fasting?

Some chiropractors and other natural healing disciplines suggest fasting from time to time as a means to cleanse the body and rid it of toxins, so it functions better.

Critics of fasting say that it starves the body and that regular sleeping and periods in between eating are enough to give the digestive system the rest it needs.

So…whom do we believe?

Fasting has been practiced for centuries, for both religious and therapeutic reasons and is well documented in biblical accounts. It involves the voluntary abstinence from all substances, except pure water, for a certain period. While most healthy individuals can tolerate a one to three day fast on their own, fasts of a longer duration should take place with the supervision of a trained health care professional to coach you through the process.

What Are the Benefits?

Benefits associated with fasting may include

  • Provides the digestive system with a rest from its daily activities, just as we need to take a vacation from our jobs.
  • Cleanses the body by eliminating harmful toxins.
  • Allows the body a period of rest for meditation and spiritual development.
  • Introduces a period of transition (i.e., weight loss, overcoming addictions, shift from meat eating to a vegetarian diet, etc.) to the body to gear up for it.

Of course, fasting is not advised for pregnant or nursing women, those with a life-threatening illness (cancer, AIDS), and those with diabetes or liver disease. Individuals on prescription medications should check with their doctors prior to initiating a fast.

What About Research?

Studies conducted by Mark P. Mattson at the National Institute on Aging on mice concluded that fasting has beneficial effects on the aging process as well. Mattson said an earlier study found that mice that fasted every other day had extended life spans. A new experiment found the mice also did better in factors involved in diabetes and nerve damage in the brain similar to Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers presented information at the 2014 American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions that fasting reduced cholesterol levels in prediabetic people over extended periods of time. Although more in-depth study is needed, these findings lay the groundwork for future study.

Fasting may not be for everyone, but if you’re interested in discussing this or other options for cleansing your body, give us a call.