Category Archives: Billings Chiropractor

Chiropractic For Better Golf?

Chiropractic For Better Golf?

Chiropractic For Better Golf?

It’s been called the “gentleman’s game,” but more and more women are joining in as well. Many schools and colleges have teams and it’s considered the perfect game for networking or negotiating important business deals.

We’re talking about golf, and golf courses are big business, from building them to maintaining them, as more and more players are getting into the game!

Can Chiropractic Improve Your Game?

    • Many golfers suffer from chronic low back pain. Back pain responds exceptionally well to chiropractic adjustments, increasing mobility and range of motion.


    • Chiropractic care aims to help improve posture and flexibility, two components of longer and more powerful drives.


    • We become less flexible with age and immobility (working at a desk job, sitting in a car driving everyday) contributes to that as well. Swinging a golf club requires collaboration on the part of many joints from the feet up to the hands, including ankles, knees, hips, spine, elbows and wrists. Lack of flexibility contributes to many repetitive motion injuries in the joints. Chiropractic care attempts to address, correct and prevent joint injuries.


  • When combined with stretching and corrective exercises, chiropractic care is a cost effective, all-natural way to improve mobility… which translates to consistency during the four – five hours it takes to play 18 holes.

Fancy new high-tech clubs, shoes with the right spikes and the latest golf attire do nothing to improve your game. However, increased flexibility and mobility can certainly improve your golf score. Just ask the pros – nearly 75% of them receive regular chiropractic care while on tour each year.

Jeffry H. Blanchard, golf professional and author of The Geometry of Golf stated, “The chiropractor is the perfect choice to evaluate, educate, treat, condition and train those who choose to play golf.”

Is There Static In Your System

Is There Static in Your System?

Is There Static in Your System?

It sometimes happens when we sit down to watch a movie at home. It’s that noisy burst of static that impairs our ability to enjoy a clear picture, uninterrupted by interference. Sometimes we experience similar static or interference in our bodies.

Clear Interference from Your Body

As a sophisticated and intricate system that regulates and coordinates the activities of our body, the nervous system helps our body to stay healthy. When we have interference, or subluxation, that’s like having static in our body. That interference can prevent our bodies from working as they should.

With a TV, we aim to clear the static to get a crisp picture and enhance our viewing enjoyment. If we rid our bodies of interference, we may enjoy better health and an enhanced overall quality of life.

So how do we do that?

With chiropractic, of course! We’re trained to safely and noninvasively reduce any subluxation or interference so your body can function at its peak, and your immune system can fight illness and disease.

According to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), there is a growing body of scientific research to support the notion that spinal adjustments help boost the overall health of a person.

Stop in today and let us help you reduce the static in your system to enjoy clearer, more vibrant health.

Chiropractor for Vertigo?

Vertigo refers to a marked loss of balance and instability; usually, it occurs when you are staring down from a considerable height. The causes can be varied, and are commonly associated with the vestibular nerve in the inner part of your ear. The dizzy spells caused by vertigo can become unmanageable in more serious cases, necessitating a visit to a healthcare professional.

Chiropractor for Vertigo?

Chiropractor is quite viable for cases of vertigo related to the upper cervical region, as well as the fore-mentioned vestibular nerves. For the latter, disease can render this nerve either inoperable, or severely compromised. The brain sends signals to the vestibular nerve to help you balance yourself in many different environments. You can sustain damage to it through accidents such as falls, whiplash and other injuries.

Although the nerve governs your balance and posture, damage to it can also lead to cluster headaches and persistent migraines. Conventional medication addresses only the symptoms of vertigo; sometimes to deleterious effect. People who require tranquilizers to block the negative effects of vertigo sometimes develop addictions; all for drugs that merely mask the severity of your condition.

Your chiropractor, on the other hand, targets the root cause and attempts to restore your spinal column to the appropriate position. This then allows your central nervous system to stop diverting resources to the previous imbalance, creating an environment that is favorable to healing naturally. The nerves of the body are connected, so by relieving the pressure on the ones closest to your spine, the rest of your body will feel the positive effects of the restoration.