Category Archives: Back Adjustment Billings MT

How’s Your Foundation?

How’s Your Foundation?

How’s Your Foundation?

You walk. You run. You wear shoes that don’t fit, but sure look great. Your feet are exhausted at the end of the day, but you figure that’s normal. Our poor feet–we expect them to get us from Point A to Point B, but we rarely consider the beating they take from carrying us around.

Enabling Your Movement

Our feet are complex structures that contain over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. One-fourth of your body’s bones, 52 in total, are contained in your two feet! Paying attention to how they’re feeling and taking proper care of them is vital to your health. Serious health complications can develop by ignoring your feet and not giving them the care they deserve.

Preventing Future Problems

Foot health is about much more than the pain they might be feeling. Conditions such as plantar fasciitis and stress fractures can develop if you neglect the structure of your feet. So, what can you do?

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Stand or walk on softer surfaces (e.g. grass or dirt rather than concrete or stone)
  • Schedule an appointment to talk to us about your feet

Improvements to your footwear can include wearing orthotics or other arch support. These may better absorb the shock your feet take and stabilize your foot’s structure.

Are Your Feet to Blame?

Similar to the cracks in the wall or windows that don’t open and close easily due to a settling house’s foundation, many of your spinal problems may get their start from a poor foundation (feet). Bring it up on your next visit with us and we would be happy to discuss what you might do to help your feet carry you around better.

Are You Proactive or Reactive?

Are You Proactive or Reactive?

Are You Proactive or Reactive?

When it comes to your health, ask yourself this question:

“Am I proactive or reactive?”

Being reactive means taking action only when you’re in pain.

Being proactive means doing what it takes to maintain good health.

Being reactive means getting up off the couch because your family member or friend told you so.

Being proactive means getting up off the couch and being active because you want to and you know it is good for you!

Being reactive means grabbing the quickest source of sugary sweets to combat a stressful moment.

Being proactive means eating healthy food (including healthy fats) when you’re hungry and when you need it most to properly maintain healthy stress levels.

Reactive = Symptoms

Being reactive can often be tied to symptoms. When you experience pain, this symptom tells you that something’s wrong and needs to be corrected. Correcting the cause of the symptom takes a level of commitment and sacrifice.

It takes being proactive.

No matter where you are on the reactive/proactive spectrum, we are committed to helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Excuses, Excuses

Excuses, Excuses

stack-of-stickies, Excuses, Excusess

A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
~ Spanish Proverb

Trust us, we’ve heard it all.

Everyone has their reasons why they do or do not visit their doctor, dentist, optometrist and of course, chiropractor.

Here’s a compilation of some common excuses we hear and something to think about before you decide if chiropractic care is right for you.

Common Excuses Think About It
I’m too busy. Make your health a priority; you deserve it. A five-minute visit might just make a difference.
I can’t afford it. Look at your health as an investment, and talk to us about ways we can help make care affordable and attainable.
You can’t help with my issue. You’ll never know unless you try. You might be surprised to learn just how much chiropractic care may help.
I’m nervous about being adjusted. We’ll demonstrate just how gentle an adjustment can be and let you talk to patients that have benefited.
It didn’t work for my friend. Let’s not compare apples to oranges; everyone responds differently to chiropractic care.
I take painkillers and it’s fine. Give the natural approach a try. Painkillers mask your pain and may cause long-term damage to your body.
I had a bad experience once. It happens sometimes. Let us show you how the care we provide is safe, effective and different.

If there’s a way we can help, let us!

We’ve dedicated our lives to helping people. Give us a call today and let’s set up a time to work through your personal concerns. We want to answer any questions about chiropractic care that you might have.